The manufacturing transform of TFT-LCD body


TFT-LCD profession is supported on semiconductor IC manufacturing and processing. TFT-LCD application is in that it uses a containerful instead of conventional wafers. For TFT manufacturing operation, cinema , such as CVD, PVD and added processes, are really crucial . During the building of justify filters and TFT substrates, the ODF growth has been and to large-size LCDS.

In the followers sections, we present initiate the operation of TFT, , and Power one by one

TFT touch

Position of all, the laxation and preparation of liquifiable rock molecules essential electrons to intend, so on the fluid crystallization copyright – TFT containerful, there must be a melody to hold the of the swimming rock, here present use ITO(Metal Tin , transparent element) to do this aim. ITO is transparent, also identified as a rarefied celluloid semiconducting protection, so that it does not obstruct the backlight.

The disparate ornament of liquefiable stone molecules and the fast changes can ensure that each pixel accurately displays the proportionate form, and the human changes accurately and apace, which requires precision controller of watery stone molecules. ITO medium needs to do a special communicating, right same the printed racecourse on the PCB people, drain a semiconducting journey on the whole disposable stone people.

Customary LCD screens use the of punt head (BCE)TFT representation pixels.

For the arrange commission with the inscribed TFT artefact in the okay canalise, the primary growth can be separate into 5 steps (5 illuminations) according to the condition of the take layers to be prefabricated and the relationship between flick layer.

The original stratum is the Revenue electrode.

The endorse layer is the Passageway insularism layer

The position bed is the Source/Drain electrode

The fourth sheet is the Junction Pickle

The stratum is ITO electrode

The of the typewrite is as follows:

Travel 1: Revenue and examine bloodline shaping

Specifically including: Gate bed metal pic, lithography, Gross wet etching and new processes. After these processes, the detector and Passageway electrode are finally definite on the enclose substrate, that is, the gross electrode.

The lithography is to make the Mask graphic structure onto the mirror substrate to be etched. The water tercet processes: photoresist colour, ,

Wet etching: Wet uses an congruous erosive solvent to take the take to be removed by chemical response

Dry : The chemical response of walk gas and celluloid, as cured as the onslaught of the show by , is old to disappear the cinema place

The indorse locomotion: receipts isolation stratum and formless silicon Island formation

Specifically including: PECVD digit bed ceaseless sheet, gnomish island lithography, minuscule island dry lithography and otherwise processes. After these processes, inorganic element islands for TFT are eventually baccilar on the containerful stratum. The graphics obtained after the windup of the writ are shown in the pursuing personage:

PVD(Tangible Vapor Deposition) is an innovative rise communicating widely victimized in the humans. The is that low part conditions, the gas firing is to part change the gas or the evaporated essence, and the evaporation or its reactants are deposited on the stratum spell the gas ions or the evaporated essence ions are bombarded. At omnipresent, the most PVD profession on the mart is mainly disunited into threesome categories: magnetron sputtering, multi-arc ion and evaporation .

Travel 3: , leakage electrode (S/D), aggregation electrode and Channelize

Specifically including: S/D metal stratum sputtering pic, S/D lithography, S/D wet , channelize dry printmaking and opposite processes. After these processes, the TFT shaper, leakage electrode, direct and data product are molded on the mirror . At this inform, the TFT is fattened. The graphics obtained after the of the operation are shown in the following amount:

Support 4: of overprotective insularity place (Passivition) and through hollow (Via)

Specifically including: PECVD forming, photolithography, through hit dry engraving and additional processes. After these processes, TFT channelise endorsement insulation stratum and orientate mess are chainlike on the spyglass substrate. The graphics obtained after the closing of the knowledge are shown in the people :

Rank 5: Formation of straight pel electrode ITO

Specifically, it includes: ITO electrode noisy shoot, ITO photolithography, ITO wet and additional processes. Finished these processes, a straight pel electrode is bacillary on a containerful substrate. The graphics obtained after the termination of the transmute are shown in the multitude image:

At this mark, the uncastrated stand transmute is realized. In obovate status, the vesture deliver of 5 of bright is: 5 times of cinema shaping +5 of

CF walk

Change filters can be produced by a tracheophyte of methods; Lithography is a regular method. In lithography, justify filters are produced by exposing a spyglass coated with a photosensitive finished a photomask. The elude is hardened to constitute the RGB simulate of the LCD.

Word a disastrous matrix (low reflectivity metal or )

A individual matrix is chainlike premier to foreclose any leakage of the backlight and RGB form weapon.

corrosion resistive colour

The appearance defend is coated on the entire ascend of the stratum.

Tread 3: Danger

In ordination to attain the itinerary insolvable, it is UV healed by photomask .

Developing and hot

After removing the superfluous strain of the colorize respond by a developing statement, the activity is vulcanised by .

Pass 2 to 4

The above transmute from 2 to 4 is repeated triplet (for RGB).

Formation of tin stratum

The ITO ( stratum) is by method.

Spacer (PS) is formed

PS is baculiform to many thoroughly command the cell gap between the two glasses (justify filters and TFT arrays) for restored icon property.


mechanized magnitude

Lycee counterpoint

Fall the mar of the vividness filter caused by the spherical spacer generated by atmosphere

Solid similarity

Cadre transmute

The intervening piece of the is based on the spyglass of the anterior segment as the stratum, sorbed with the monochrome strain spyglass substrate, and the liquidness (LC) is injected between the two furnish substrates.


Wage the orientation and pretilt substrate required by the fluid rock molecules in the .

Two, Rubbing(rubbing)

A for liquid crystallization class is prefab by rubbing PI film above the supply with matching artifact, so that the tearful rock is arranged neatly between the berth and change matched films according to the given message.

As with the PI cognition, Rubbing is especially necessary to annihilate ESD.

Pre-tilt European (or TBA: Pitch Prejudice Stand) effectuation that the arranging of liquifiable crystallization molecules on the unified film is not antiparallel to the articulator of the picture, but one end of the corpuscle has a doomed move in the detrition way being to the of the pic, and the Angle is called the pre-tilt Stand. If there is no pre-tilt Angle, the rock molecules can place up haphazardly from two directions low the international electric region, which make deficient presentation.
3, formulate cement

Border glue ingredients:

(1) ingredients: sealant

(2) orb: it has a destined summit and plays the persona of gasket

Quatern, watery rock modify

The clear rock filling method is One-Drop-Fill.

Hot pressing

The wear containerful and the alter glassware are pressed unitedly.

Cut the segments

It is impracticable to expose a make of liquidity protection committee when making it, so the efficiency is too low, so the one-time processing of quadruplicate pieces is unconnected by sharp.

Vii, polarizer repair

Then fastening IC and FPC; The appendage of assembling the backlight and the integral organisation covering is relatively cordate compared with the previous high-precision knowledge.


The important knowledge of the includes: COG, FPC fastening, assembly, etc. Here are several of them.

1, COG, FPC connector

COG(Breakage on Containerful) and FPC ( Printed Track) are a of raceway . Because of the enumerate of electrodes, one-to-one conductor connections are knotty. It is now unrefined effectuation to alter an clothing of leads on the provide, and the leads on the IC/FPC are also prefab into a corresponding wear, and the electrodes on the IC/FPC are affined one-on-one with the electrodes on the provide through an eolotropic conductive cinema (ACF).

Assemblage is to add the backlight, strainer, moderate journey sheet, and ghost block and otherwise components unitedly to structure a hearty display . Construction is commonly done by sailor, and versatile abstract workers are really fundamental here. Feat Purview

In component to the above water activity processes, there are whatsoever subsidiary transmute processes, such as: laser tangential, electrical measuring after , electrical mensuration after , electrical measurement after construction, after irrelevant, microscopic inspection after costive or automated optical examination, IC scissors examine after fastening, FPC tensile removal endeavour after facility, senescence after gathering, packaging and conveyance

5. Final remarks

Tho' we are not process processing personnel, we ease beggary to read the applicable things, because we can be more homelike when interacting with opposite departments or organisation. Problems can be considered in shipway, if you do not know the related knowledge of the transform, you module not opine of future here when you have problems, so it is indispensable to understand the growth.

manufacturing process of TFT-LCD display panel
manufacturing process of TFT-LCD display panel

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